• _I2A07686
  • _I2A7686
  • _I2A7638
  • _I2A7639
  • _I2A7640


What kind of full body athletic sports mannequin figure is perfect? For sport mannequin, only the perfect body can better display the clothing.
Based on this concept, we designed the FTF3-EG football full body athletic sports mannequin. She is tall, muscular, and has a perfect body ratio. The matt white paint is more able to bring out her perfect body.
Her right hand holds the football on the right shoulder and presents a very dynamic posture.
The abstract design, stylish pose, and matt white paint make her more popular. Do you like this full body athletic sports mannequin?


sports mannequin

FT mannequins, specially designed for football sport display, popular in all over world market.


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