baseball player mannequin



Baseball is a ball game that is played with a stick and is characterized by teamwork and confrontation. Baseball is widely developed internationally and is mainly popular in the United States, Japan and South Korea, as well as Latin America and Taiwan in China.

Baseball is a team sport with a minimum number of 9 players. The approximate sport is softball. Baseball players are divided into two sides: attacking and defending. They use bats and gloves to play in a right-angled fan-shaped baseball field. At the time, the two teams take turns attacking and defending: when the offensive player successfully runs back to home plate, he can get 1 point. There are 9 innings in the game. win or lose.

Baseball has become an official event since the Barcelona Olympics in 1992, but the 2012 London Olympics has ceased to be a competition event. In the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, baseball has become a competition event again. In addition, Olympic baseball only has men's events.


As the importance of baseball, the needs on display the equipments and uniform of baseball in stores and clubs are bigger and bigger.


In a retail setting that sells baseball merchandise, you need to have displays that honor this loyalty and passion.  These baseball mannequin forms show the action of the game that your customers will recognize and instantly adds value to your merchandise.   Draw a fan base to your store with these easy to set-up mannequin forms displaying your best team garments.



We have a broad line of sports related mannequins, custom display and fixture provider that services clients around the globe.

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